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The real heckler and koch MP5K Maschinenpistole gun is the one as seen used by neo in the Matrix movie.

The G55 comes packaged in a brown carry box and with well supported with soft foam inside to protect the gun in transport.

it is not purely abs plastic externally Some of the metal parts are the front site assembly - charging handle - magazine release assembly- the moving part of the rear sight and the trigger and the butt plate.

The weight of the gun is significantly improved when the magazine is attached and As with most GBB airsoft guns weight of the gun is a lot in the magazine.

The fire selector switch is ambidextrous so you can adjust it on both sides of the bb gun.

if ever you need clean the internals of the gun breaking this gun apart should not be any problem as the gun is held together by three pins that can be removed by hand without any tools.

the Two pins are located by the butt plate and one by the mag well and once all three are removed you just simply slide the lower receiver off, and all the internals can then be easily picked out one by one.

The rate of fire of this little monster is astonishing. It will empty the magazine of 30 BBs unbelievably fast (just watch the videos below)

the gun fires at around 315 fps, and you can hold the gun easily with one hand or two

it's Surprisingly a very well made and works great for SMG at a very cheap price.

It a perfect weapon for those CQB battles with easy maneuverability and lightweight


  • 300 - 330 FPS
  • 60 Meter Rage
  • Gas Blow Back
  • Semi and Fully-Automatic
  • Light and Compact
  • Fast Rate of Fire

Wellfire MP5K Gas Blowback Rilfe

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